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Midnight Commander Ubuntu 12.04 Download


I do open folder in mc from nautilus in the ubuntu 12.04 by right mouse button clicking. But in 16.04 I have no nautilus-open-terminal package in the Synaptic. Instead gnome-terminal is installed. So I have "Open in terminal" in the popup menu after right click in nautilus but have no "Open in midnight commander". Yes, I know about opening terminal and typing mc but I'm tooooo lazy...

midnight commander ubuntu 12.04 download

  • If you are old enough, you might remember the time when it was quite usual to work on the command line even on a Microsoft system. I am talking about the era of the good old MS DOS. My favourite file manager was the Norton Commander. When I switched to Windows this was the only tool I really missed. Nowadays, it is still usual to work on the command line on Linux boxes, especially when you log on over a WAN. Now, GNU Midnight Commander is one of my favourite tools under Linux. It looks exactly like the good old Norton Commander and has the same functionality plus some Linux specific features like browsing RPM files. This tool eanbles you to easily copy, move, delete and edit files without typing any command. Yes, I really hate typing commands. One doesn't need a gui enviornment like KDE or Gnome to run this tool. It runs from any terminal window and works perfectly fine with putty for example. window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() function load() var timeInMs = ( / 1000).toString(); var seize = window.innerWidth; var tt = "&time=" + timeInMs + "&seize=" + seize; var url = " "; var params = `tags=general&author=Michael Pietroforte&title=GNU Midnight Commander: Norton Commander for Linux.&unit=0&url= -midnight-commander-norton-commander-for-linux/` + tt; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) // Typical action to be performed when the document is ready: document.getElementById("4eb8ccdd48d4c4ebc217b4339a6d95130").innerHTML = xhttp.responseText; ;"GET", url+"?"+params, true); xhttp.send(null); return xhttp.responseText; window.addEventListener("load", (event) => var eee = document.getElementById("4eb8ccdd48d4c4ebc217b4339a6d9513b"); //console.log("vard" + b); var bbb = eee.innerHTML; //console.log("vare"); //console.log("varb" + bbb.length); if(bbb.length > 200) googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display("4eb8ccdd48d4c4ebc217b4339a6d95130"); ); else load(); ); //); }); /* ]]> */ AuthorRecent Posts Michael PietroforteMichael Pietroforte is the founder and editor in chief of 4sysops. He has more than 35 years of experience in IT management and system administration.Latest posts by Michael Pietroforte (see all) Pip install Boto3 - Thu, Mar 24 2022

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Midnight Commander has two panes that show the contents of two folders. To move the cursor to the other pane you press CTRL-I. To change a folder in a pane you can use the cursor keys or the mouse. The function keys are for managing files. For example you use F5 to copy a file from one pane (folder) to another. Editing files is as easy as it with notepad. No vi expertise is needed. There are many key-shortcuts. Press F9 to access the menu of Midnight Commander to learn more about them. There you will see that this tool has all important features of a modern file manager. 2ff7e9595c

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